Sunday, September 21, 2008

my favorite movie

in mexico, there is not a well known music industry, there is a lot of movies about cowboys and tekilas and crazy mexicans, but no they dont really watch those kind of movies in my country, there is not like a big motion mexican movie, that is known around the world, they just know about it in mexico, people over there are used to watching a lot of american movies, because they are famous worlwide and people really like them, i dont have like a gender of movie that i particularly prefer, but if i have to choose between all the movies, wich one is my favorite, ill say its Gladiator, with russell crowe, he is a really good actor, and i think he impersonate that character really well, and he is one of the best actors ive seen in movies, that is my favorite movies because it talks about pride, war and blood :D, i like bloody movies hehe. thanks for reading

1 comment:

Anna said...

It is so wrong that you said "hehe" after "love of bloody movies"...I am worried for you my friend.
But I do agree with the movie choice. It is an amazing movie!