Sunday, September 28, 2008

coffee & Tea

In my country the old people are used to drink coffee in the mornings to get active for the whole day that´s why starbucks is very famous in mexico, and the younger people are use to drink coffee in get together and socialize, all the young people on sundays they are used to go like at 6 o´clock in the afternoon to go drink coffe and talk about how their week was, in my house there a lot of members of my family that like coffee and tea, but most coffee, they say its really helpful a cup of coffee in the mornings to get the energy to go over the whole day, but tea they use it only like to relax in the nights when they cant sleep and sometimes when they are sick of their stomach they use this to feel a little bit because have a lot of healing qualities in their composition that helps to get better quickly, the most famous tea is what we called in mexico "Manzanilla Tea", that is like a plant that people boil it and is really good for your stomach and it helps your body to purifiy all the bad things you have in it. but definitely the coffe is more famous than tea. bye. see ya later alligator.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I see how you masterfully got around telling me if you like either of them. Muy bien El Mexi.